
Research at NadiChikitsa Institute

At NadiChikitsa, we are passionate about research in Ayurveda. This has led us to explore the world of Ayurvedic methods of health investigation and evaluation. Dr Mahesh Krishnamurthy has invested over twenty years of research in traditional methods of investigation and evaluation.

Our Research

Nadi Pariksha

We began investing our resources in the research of Nadi Pariksha. This was one of the least explored knowledge systems of Ayurveda. We have uncovered many possibilities and continue exploring to discover more.

Marma Chikitsa

An accidental meeting led Dr Mahesh Krishnamurthy to Marma Chikitsa. This is one of the most promising traditional pain relief practices. We are currently researching its effect on senior citizens after initial successes.

Psycho-Somatic Symptoms

Ayurveda recognises emotions as the primary causes of illnesses. However, most Ayurvedic doctors do not investigate the role of thought and emotion. With the aid of Nadi Pariksha, we have uncovered many truths.



Psycho-Somatic Symptoms

The connect between thoughts, emotions, feelings and choices bear an effect on the body. This natural phenomena has not been recorded. Nadi Pariksha is a method of investigation that can accurately pin point these causes and it can be used to investigate the gap between cause and symptom.


Sound sleep is a challenge in today’s urban and also parts of semi-urban cities, towns and villages. Ayurveda has many herbs as well as practices that can improve the quality of sleep which we are actively researching.


Constipation is a global problem that has already taken epidemic proportions in the cities. People who are constipated also have several other problems which include, sleep disorders, reduced focus and attention, body pain and stiffness. We are committed to finding a solution to this global epidemic.