Fundamentals of Ayurveda


The study of well-being is a study of one’s own life. At least, that is how Ayurveda courses have been designed. However, due to the institutionalisation of Ayurveda, this part of self-study has been forgotten.

The Fundamentals of Ayurveda help you learn how you came into being at first and what the purpose of your existence is. Further, it explains about the Vedas and how they have described the birth of creation itself.

You will learn about the five elements, their properties and how everything in creation manifests from the five elements.

We will explore how doshas are born in an unmanifest state and how Vata, Pitta and Kapha dosha manifest in the body.

We will also delve deep to learn about the upa-dosha (five types of Vata, Pitta and Kapha), their functions, and what influences their functioning.

Then, we explore hunger, digestion, how toxins are formed in the body and why diseases occur.

We will understand the various signs of ill health in the body and how to reverse them through diet.

Finally, we will have an overview of ayurvedic dietetics.


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  • 10 Sections
  • 113 Lessons
  • 10 Quizzes
  • 0m Duration
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Chapter 1: Introduction Part 1
8 Lessons1 Quiz
  1. Introduction Part 1
  2. Introduction Part 2
  3. Introduction Part 3
  4. Akasha and Vayu
  5. Anything that is happening around, is it fabricated by mind?
  6. Is Sanskrit mandatory to understand Ayurveda?
  7. Is consciousness a salient feature only for human beings?
  8. Can another person manifest something for us?
  9. Chapter 1 Quiz : Introduction Part 1
Chapter 2: Introduction Part 2
21 Lessons1 Quiz
  1. Introduction
  2. Agni or Fire
  3. Apa or water
  4. How should we do fasting?
  5. How to increase vitamins or other nutrients in the body?
  6. Pruthvi or Earth
  7. Is it possible to have an ideal combination of 5 elements?
  8. The three types of Suffering
  9. Diagnosing Physical Suffering
  10. How to completely cure physical suffering?
  11. Ways to cure spiritual suffering
  12. The human body
  13. Āma - Toxins
  14. Maintaining Good Health
  15. Dosha, Dhatu and Guna
  16. What causes āma to form in the body?
  17. Sama and Nirama Dosha
  18. By what time the food has to be consumed once it is cooked?
  19. Why lot of people have Vitamin D and B12 deficiency?
  20. What to do when we have to pack food and eat during working hours?
  21. What causes Agni to go high?
  22. Chapter 2 Quiz: Introduction Part 2
Chapter 3: Body and it's Immune system
12 Lessons1 Quiz
  1. Immunity
  2. Rasa
  3. Nirama Vayu and Vata Dosha
  4. Indications of Sama Vayu
  5. Physical manifestion of Vata Dosha
  6. Why do people feel lethargic?
  7. How to help people in old age? Is there any treatment? (Marmachikitsa)
  8. How to regulate increase in Vayu due of increased work activity?
  9. Effects of Nirama Pitta
  10. Pitta Dosha
  11. How to get all the nutrients required for the body?
  12. Is it good to do Trataka every day to improve eyesight?
  13. Chapter 3 Quiz : Body and It's Immune System
Chapter 4 : Body and it's Immune system (Continued...)
20 Lessons1 Quiz
  1. Effects of Nirama Pitta (continued…)
  2. Pitta Dosha(continued…)
  3. Effects of Sama Pitta
  4. Physical Manifestation of Pitta Dosha
  5. Effects of Nirama Kapha
  6. Kapha Dosha
  7. Effects of Sama Kapha
  8. Physical Manifestation of Kapha Dosha
  9. Nadi
  10. Dhatus (Tissues)
  11. Nurtition and nutrients
  12. Dhatus Poshana (Tissues Nourishment)
  13. Dhatu Mala (Tissue Excrements)
  14. Isn’t Typhoid caused from external entity?
  15. How do we have intention or goal in life?
  16. Does working out in gym and lifting weights increase pitta in the body?
  17. How to recover from pitta doshas?
  18. If we correct the posture, will we gain back our self-confidence?
  19. Does water from earthen pot reduce pitta?
  20. Is it good to drink water from Copper vessel?
  21. Chapter 4 Quiz : Body and it's Immune system (Continued...)
Chapter 5 : Body and it's Immune system (Continued...)
11 Lessons1 Quiz
  1. Dhatus (Tissues)
  2. Dhatus Poshana (Tissues Nourishment)
  3. Upa Dhatu (Subsidiary Tissues)
  4. How do we get energy when we fast?
  5. How to know when we are actually hungry?
  6. Is it still ok when a person is weak and having weight loss not to eat because the person doesn’t feel hungry?
  7. When we are fasting, the urine colour will be yellowish. Is it that the toxins are getting removed?
  8. How do we know we are eating right?
  9. Should we eat at a fixed time or when we are hungry?
  10. What causes Hyperacidity?
  11. Does hunger causes trembling?
  12. Chapter 5 Quiz : Body and it's Immune system (Continued...)
Chapter 6 : Body and it's Immune system (Continued...)
11 Lessons1 Quiz
  1. Upa Dosha(Sub-Dosha)
  2. Can a person have no symptoms and still has anger inside?
  3. Can over weight be a reason for Osteoarthritis?
  4. Can we correct Osteoarthritis or similar problems by resolving emotional conflicts? If not what do, we have to do?
  5. What causes crackling of joints?
  6. Can Bodhaka Kapha increase because of stress?
  7. Ista Devata and mantra
  8. What causes Cortisol?
  9. What is the reason for swollen eyelids when a person gets up in the morning?
  10. How does Vayu effect with aging?
  11. What causes pain in the heels? What to do about it?
  12. Chapter 6 Quiz : Body and it's Immune system (Continued...)
Chapter 7 : Body and it's Immune system (Continued...)
4 Lessons1 Quiz
  1. Upa Dosha(Sub-Dosha)
  2. What happens when people have accumulated emotions?
  3. When people are scared why do they feel like evacuating bowels?
  4. Why do people get cataract? What is the reason?
  5. Chapter 7 Quiz : Body and it's Immune system (Continued...)
Chapter 8 : The Jnanedriya and Tan Mantras
5 Lessons1 Quiz
  1. The Jnanendriya
  2. Tan Mantras
  3. How do we choose food and hotels when we want to eat food outside?
  4. What kind of impact will our food habits lead us to?
  5. If we align with our habits and children follow us, will it bring good health and fortune to our children?
  6. Chapter 8 Quiz : The Jnanedriya and Tan Mantras
Chapter 9 : Primary and secondary symptoms of digestive system
6 Lessons1 Quiz
  1. Primary symptoms of digestive system
  2. Can pomegranate rind be consumed in all pitta cases?
  3. What kind of food needs to be consumed during illness?
  4. Secondary symptoms of digestive system
  5. Does allergy cause distended abdomen?
  6. Can we overcome the allergies that we have developed over times?
  7. Chapter 9 : Quiz : Primary and secondary symptoms of digestive system
Chapter 10 : Rutucharya
15 Lessons1 Quiz
  1. Rutucharya Introduction
  2. Hemanta(Pre-winter) and Sisira(Winter)
  3. Vasanta(Pre Monsoon), Grishma(Summer) and Varsha(Monsoon)
  4. Sharad(Autumn)
  5. Why do we get instant energy by eating sweets? Also why do we crave for sweets especially on the day of fasting?
  6. What time is it best to have meals?
  7. What to do if we are forced to have undesirable foods because of social circumstances?
  8. How to do Abhyanga in summers when it is so hot?
  9. What is the best time to have fruits?
  10. What to consume after having warm water and flushing the toxins from the body early in the morning?
  11. How do we know when to have food?
  12. If I have lemon juice in the morning, I get acid reflux. What do I need to do?
  13. Can we use bread made at home? Can we eat chapatis?
  14. Is better to have monofruit or mixed fruit?
  15. Conclusion
  16. Chapter 10 : Quiz : Rutucharya
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