

The Vision

A Gurukula Institute

Knowledge of healthy living – Ayurveda, cannot be taught in a 4 or 8-hour system. That was possibly the reason why the Gurukula system existed in the ancient days, which imparted worldly and spiritual knowledge to the students. With time, modern methods of learning replaced the Gurukula system. We can see the absence of basic disciplines, commitment towards Ayurveda in most of the students who graduate from any such scholarly institution. This possibly answers the next question.

Why do we need a Gurukula Institute?

The Ayurveda tradition is one which imparts the knowledge of healthy living. How can we possibly learn the nuances of healthy living without actually living it? It cannot be a DIY method.

In a Gurukula the students live with their mentor. The mentor helps the students learn necessary and important aspects of living healthily by involving them in the daily activities of the Gurukula. In the olden days, they would call it an ashram. Discipline, responsibility, strengthening the body and firming the mind through Karma Yoga, Gnana Yoga, Bhakti Yoga and Raja Yoga, Upadesha (discourses on Ayurveda, worldly and spiritual topics), respecting elders, helping others who are in need, are important and necessary aspects of life which makes one a Vaidya, have to be practiced in a firm settlement. Unless a Gurukula is established with this vision, we can only dream of a better quality of Vaidyas.

The Guiding Principle

When people were sick with disease and no one knew what they could do, the Hrishis prayed to the Lord Almighty. It manifested Itself as the Lord Dhanwantari and guided the Hrishis about health and healing. Ayurveda, or the science of healthy living was brought to us from the Almighty. A healing temple with Lord Dhanwantari as the Supreme Deity will govern the Gurukula with its glory, blessings and guidance with Lord Shiva and Lord Ganesha.

The Gurukula will impart training in the diagnostic element of Ayurveda known as Nadi Pariksha, in the knowledge of herbs, healing methods and in Ayurvedic Psychology and Psychiatry known as Mano Chikitsa.

The Roadmap

There are several milestones we have to cover before we summit with the Gurukula institute. We are starting with research which is obviously the best place to begin. Currently, we are researching the effect Marma Chikitsa has on Yoga practitioners. Thereafter, we will have more research on Nadi Pariksha, Marma Chikitsa, Mantra, Yantra and Tantra Chikitsa, all of which fall within the purview of the domain of Ayurveda.